History of the International
MIOHR Meeting

International Meetings History
Translating research into practice & policy: Health economics
Evidence-based dentistry
Methodology of handling data from longitudinal studies
Addressing the complexities in analyzing oral health data
Population based studies and surveys
Intervention studies
Clinical trials and evidence based dentistry
Assessing and improving data quality
Follow-up studies
MIOHR One-day Course

9th MIOHR Conference
8th MIOHR Meeting

7th MIOHR Meeting
6th MIOHR Meeting

5th MIOHR Meeting
4th MIOHR Meeting

3rd MIOHR Meeting
2nd MIOHR Meeting

1st MIOHR Meeting
In 2004, the first international bi-annual dental-statistical meeting ‘Methodological Issues in Oral Health Research’, was organised in Leuven (Belgium) as a result of a longstanding collaboration between Dominique Declerck and Emmanuel Lesaffre both appointed at KU Leuven (Belgium), with the aim to improve the collaboration between oral health researchers, epidemiologists and statisticians. The meeting was quite successful with about 100 participants (60% oral health researchers). The main topic of the first meeting was Follow-up studies. Selected (peer-reviewed) publications from this meeting were published in a special issue of Statistical Methods in Medical Research (2005).
André Schroeder Auditorium (ASA)
zmk bern
Freiburgstrasse 7
3010 Bern
9-11 September